Category Archives : Web Stuff

Facebook access token shenanigans

Using facebook access tokens to make app that can post to your pages automatically. Create a facebook app In settings of said app (via “mange apps” on left hand side), click on the app, make sure it’s turned on/status is live. Optionally, add a dummy fb account as developer of your app, and have him […]

Bring up Amazon Product WordPress Blog with Facebook Page and AutoPost and Stuff

1. put the following in wp-blog-header.php to suppress warnings rendered on page ini_set(‘error_reporting’, E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED); 2. google anlytics 3. google ads, e.g. create channels, ad units, and put in wks.php.  Update theme’s php files (e.g. sidebar.php, single.php, page.php, index.php) 4. google webmaster 5. install plugins: iframe, og, Amazon Product In […]

Web security

I participated in a work event regarding web security, where I had to hack 5 seemingly innocuous websites to learn about web vulnerabilities.  By hack, I mean just execute alert().  In case I get amnesia, here’re some notes.   1. simple javascript injection. There was an input textbox, where I had to simply put in: […]

Transfer domain from godaddy to namesilo steps

1. godaddy: cancel privacy/ domain lock 2. godaddy request authorization code. get email. (update:  new UI gives you it on directly, don’t need email) 3. namesilo: request transfer of domain. 4. namesilo: enter authorization code in email from step 2 (and pay). get email 5. follow link in email from step 4 to accept […]

apache unresponsive

apache2 hangs.  Check logs, see: [error] could not make child process 16190 exit, attempting to continue anyway check your php files (such as drupal’s includes/ and sites/all/modules/advagg/ ) for: ignore_user_abort Try to comment all out, and restart apache.

mod_status results in 404 page not found in drupal

with default config, you get 404 when accessing http://localhost/server-status with mod_status enabled. Try adding:   RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/server-status to .htaccess. i.e. only do the rewrite thing if request isn’t for server-status. so your .htaccess would look like this: # Pass all requests not referring directly to files in the filesystem to # index.php. Clean URLs […]