gnubby issues
asks to unplug replug and that doesn’t work: sudo apt-get remove gnome-keyring
asks to unplug replug and that doesn’t work: sudo apt-get remove gnome-keyring
If you’re finding that your Mac fans are running a lot more than they used to, you might want to check out whether a couple of Spotlight processes are consuming more than their fair share of CPU cycles. Ever since the latest Mavericks update, I found that my MacBook Pro seemed to be running hot […]
Seems like sina weibo removed or is hiding their rss -> auto post functionality from their settings page. Well, the link to do that is here:
sudo gnome-control-cener
Make sure BLUETOOTH (of all things) service is enabled.
My ubuntu disconnects after a while (a few minutes), after it working perfectly. I invariably had to do a “/etc/init.d/networking restart”. Not only can I not ssh to it (or vnc via ssh tunneling per my previous post), but existing ssh connections get disconnected with a “broken pipe” error (which tend to just mean it’s […]
vnc is insecure by nature. Thus, use it through ssh tunneling: ssh -L 999:localhost:5900 <—on local host port 999, listen for local connections, and “bind it to remote host’s localhost:5900 (remote host’s localhost = remote host). Now, vnc to localhost port 999. It’ll go through ssh’s port 22.
sed ‘s/n//g’ <–does not work Because sed reads input a line at a time, and thus, won’t see n See
edit /etc/sudoers or whatever softlink it points to. You can do so by: 1. (dangerous way, NOT recommended) chmod the sudoers file. MAKE SURE YOU DO THIS AS ROOT AND NOT SUDO CHMOD, since this will lock you out (sudoers file need to be at 440 permission in order for sudo to work, i.e. once […]
Put machine A’s ~/.ssh/’s content in machine B’s ~/.ssh/authorized_keys You can do so with: ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ user@<machine b’s hostname> by the way, the can be created with ssh-keygen.