mysql prompt show utf8
start mysql prompt with –default-character-set=utf8 option, like: mysql -u root -p -h –default-character-set=utf8
start mysql prompt with –default-character-set=utf8 option, like: mysql -u root -p -h –default-character-set=utf8
To format var_dump properly with nested arrays and such, put <pre> <?php var_dump($blah); ?> </pre> Click enable html5 player. Now player will have speed option under settings icon.
Seems like sina weibo removed or is hiding their rss -> auto post functionality from their settings page. Well, the link to do that is here:
I use verizon moto x with tmobile sim on kitkat. Don’t know if any of this matters. When making call, dialer immediately dies. no call can be made.. setting -> more -> wireless & networks -> network mobile settings -> preferred network mode, instead of global choose lte/gsm/umts. All is good.
If vi shows garbled unicode/utf-8 characters Put in ~/.vimrc : :set encoding=utf-8 :set fileencodings=utf-8 To debug vi, check ~/.vminfo which is generated each time vi starts. It shows your encoding, etc.
Soundmanager2’s visualizations can be missing if file is on remote host. It uses flash (for visualization), so on remote host, create crossdomain.xml. For convenience, allow all: <?xml version=”1.0″ ?> <cross-domain-policy> <allow-access-from domain=”*” /> </cross-domain-policy> ~
windows 7 32 bit to 64 bit “upgrade” (reinstall really). Same product key will work.
Disable any virtual network adapters in device manager (like from virtualbox).
Significant speedup: APC <- alternative php cache view cache (under view’s configuration: View content cache: css/js aggregation: Other modules: Boost, authcache Configuration -> Development -> performance: enable whatever cache checkbox you see. Disable developer module putting ?blah after css and javascript files, since this prevents caching.