Author Archives : techstruggles

Custom rss for wordpress

1. make feeds refresh (otherwise it seems cached); in wp-content/themes/ready-review/functions.php, add at the end: add_filter( ‘wp_feed_cache_transient_lifetime’, create_function(‘$a’, ‘return 1;’) ); //1 is timeout value   2. edit wp-includes/feed-rss2.php Go to where it has the description tag and make changes accordingly.  Make sure in wp-admin -> settings -> reading -> For each article in a feed, show, you […]

alt + tab application window switcher (e.g. no grouping of windows) in ubuntu

sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager sudo apt-get install compiz-plugins Open compizconfig-settings-manager with alt-F2, type ccsm. Scroll down to “Ubuntu Unity Plugin”. Choose the tab “Switcher”. Disable the alt-tab and shift-alt-tab key bindings. (“Key to start the switcher” and “Key to switch to the previous window in the Switcher”. Click the “Back” button. Scroll down to the […]

windows 7 permission issues

If your permissions in windows 7 get messed up, you can: 1. take ownership of all files, recurse, specify default answer to whether or not take ownership to y takeown /f . /r /d y 2. give everyone read permission icacls . /grant:r everyone:r /t /c /q 3. grant and replace existing permissions and give […]

Mysql create database then create user. New user can’t login

When you try to login to mysql with a newly created user, you may get:   ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user Try to ensure the user’s been granted sufficient privileges for the database.   For example, create databases db; create user ‘blah’@’localhost’ with password ‘password’; grant all privileges on db.* to ‘blah’@’%’;  <—–IMPORTANT. […]

mod_status results in 404 page not found in drupal

with default config, you get 404 when accessing http://localhost/server-status with mod_status enabled. Try adding:   RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/server-status to .htaccess. i.e. only do the rewrite thing if request isn’t for server-status. so your .htaccess would look like this: # Pass all requests not referring directly to files in the filesystem to # index.php. Clean URLs […]