android app for phone and tablet
To support all screensizes, add the following to AndroidManifest.xml: <supports-screens android:largeScreens=”true” android:normalScreens=”true” android:smallScreens=”true” android:anyDensity=”true” />
To support all screensizes, add the following to AndroidManifest.xml: <supports-screens android:largeScreens=”true” android:normalScreens=”true” android:smallScreens=”true” android:anyDensity=”true” />
If you get black screen when you run your iphone code, check if you do this: @synthesize window = _window; and then this: [window makeKeyandVisible]; This, will not work. The @synthesize line is “new” in xcode 4, per objective c. it makes accessing windows directly FAIL and return nil. Thus, makeKeyAndVisible was never called on […]
default orientation for iphone apps is supposed set in the plist file’s “initial interface orientation” key. However, this may still not work. Check ordering of your “Supported interface orientations” key (I had for whatever reason set landscape as first orientation, and thus got landscape for my iPhone app)
1. iphone icon, ipad icon size 2. plist file’s icon file is blank (seems like can’t have file called icon.png otherwise both iPad and iPhone will use that) 3. Does not see archive in organizer after building archive: For the “Release” configuration do the following: Set “Skip Install” to YES on your project Set “Skip […]
control + command + c when focus is on simulator. Now screenshot is on clipboard. control + v onto gimp or something to paste it.
If you were to want to read the contents of a file in ksh, and the file just so happens to contain problematic characters like *, do this in your script: set -f prior to doing: sql=`cat $sql_file`; More info (from echo $- ism set -f echo $- isfm echo $sample test* set +f […]
kill `ps -eaf | grep -i sg_file_xfr_client | awk ‘{print $2}’`
Download redstone xml rpc from source forge: Set classpath to include the jar file. Enable rpc at http://<wordpress site>/wp-admin/options-writing.php compile and run the following code: import redstone.xmlrpc.XmlRpcClient; import java.util.HashMap; public class XmlRpcPoster { public static void main( String[] args ) { // Check command-line arguments if( args.length < 3 ) { System.out.println( “Usage: java XmlRpcPoster […]
jmap -histo <pid> to do memory profiling. jconsole may help also. Both come with the jdk.
Traditionally I needed real player 10 to get it to work. But that is too old to be installed on windows 7 64bit. Thus, I had to install real alternative and k-lite and stuff. Per k-lite ( You are missing a decoder for RealAudio COOK. You can install that by following these steps: Download the […]