Bring up Amazon Product WordPress Blog with Facebook Page and AutoPost and Stuff

1. put the following in wp-blog-header.php to suppress warnings rendered on page
ini_set(‘error_reporting’, E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED);
2. google anlytics
3. google ads, e.g. create channels, ad units, and put in wks.php.  Update theme’s php files (e.g. sidebar.php, single.php, page.php, index.php)
4. google webmaster
5. install plugins: iframe, og, Amazon Product In a Post Plugin, AmazonFeed (apparently it breaks your front page, e.g. browser console shows 500 resulting in loading nothing after your first post’s title), ScrapeAZon
5a. for Amazon Product In a Post Plugin, may have issues (bug) where can’t add amazon key/secret key. Need to add that directly in wp_options table, e.g. 3 rows where option_names are:
apipp_amazon_publickey, apipp_amazon_associateid, apipp_amazon_secretkey
5b. edit iframe code (wp-content/plugins/iframe/iframe.php) to remove “\n”, otherwise it essentially display blocks amazon ads (iframes)
5c. (may not be required if website’s logo jpg is too small for facebook to consider it the right og:image) -> edit og’s code (wp-content/plugins/og/vendor/iworks/opengraph.php) to pick the right og:image, e.g. image links with SL<number> in them.
5d. in dashboard, go to edit themes and add custom css there. For theme twentyseventeen:
.amazon-element-customerreviews iframe {
.site-content {
.wrap {
max-width: 1300px;
.site-branding {
padding: 0px;

margin-bottom: 10px !important;
.navigation-top {
position: relative;
/* !important to take precedence over style tag */
.custom-header {
margin-bottom: 10px !important;

8. create facebook page, follow instructions in wksfeed*.php for access token, update facebook page id.
9. make menu/categories

10. setup cron in godaddy’s cpanel

11. submit site to google