windows 7 32 bit to 64 bit upgrade
windows 7 32 bit to 64 bit “upgrade” (reinstall really). Same product key will work.
windows 7 32 bit to 64 bit “upgrade” (reinstall really). Same product key will work.
Disable any virtual network adapters in device manager (like from virtualbox).
Significant speedup: APC <- alternative php cache view cache (under view’s configuration: View content cache: css/js aggregation: Other modules: Boost, authcache Configuration -> Development -> performance: enable whatever cache checkbox you see. Disable developer module putting ?blah after css and javascript files, since this prevents caching.
for whatever reason, dos2unix nor unix2dos works. So, vi the file, :%s/^V^M/^V^M/g ^V^M = control V control M g at the end means global (i.e. not only first occurrence.
change /etc/hosts. For every entry related to local host (INCLUDING ipv6 entries), map to localhost, e.g.: ::1 localhost #ip6-localhost ip6-loopback fe00::0 localhost #ip6-localnet ff00::0 localhost #ip6-mcastprefix ff02::1 localhost #ip6-allnodes ff02::2 localhost #ip6-allrouters
in /etc/ssh/sshd_config (on some systems it is simply /etc/sshd_config) add: AllowUsers root AllowUsers joe Note that as soon as you enable one AllowUsers option, no users can login unless they are listed. In other words, despite the PermitRootLogin setting, if you do not set “AllowUsers root” and have “AllowUsers joe” in your configuration, root cannot log in even with a […]
install cygwin. setup ssh server: From cygwin: ssh-host-config -y add user to windows in cygwin, run: mkpasswd -l > /etc/passwd Also, run mkgroup -l > /etc/group More info on setting up ssh server:
To get your nexus 7 to work with debugging in windows 7, 0. go to settings -> about tablet -> tap build number 7 times to enable developer options. 1. Enable debug mode on your Nexus 7. To do this, go to Settings, Developer options, and check Enable Debug mode. 2. Plug in the device […]
Maybe dns prefetch issue (like with google adsense). Try, in your mac: defaults write WebKitDNSPrefetchingEnabled -boolean false Or these other various tricks at
You login to ubuntu. desktop all messed up. try: gconftool-2 –recursive-unset /apps/compiz-1 unity –reset or unity –replace