Yearly Archives: 2011

Mac OS on VM:

Fails to boot on desktop with some panic error. So do the following: 1. During boot, on screen that prompts to boot from CD or hd, press tab, then select 2nd option (boot from HD), and also enter: -v busratio=18

Droid X: use internal memory instead of sdcard

Droid X has 8 gb of internal memory. In theory you shouldn’t need an sdcard for storage.  So use adb (i.e. adb shell): umount /sdcard mount -o rw,remount / umount /sdcard ln -s cache /sdcard It’s just creating a symbolic link.  If you can’t do the ln command, get “root explorer” app, go to root, […]

Signup for Amazon App Store without credit card

Create fake info from here:  per instructions from I don’t see why I needed to give them my credit card information when I plan on getting free apps only.  Nevertheless,  I have not tried nor will I use that randomly generated info to download a non-free app.  It’s only to get past the […]


Droid x: change default user to marketplace: 1. move /data/system/accounts to /sdcard 2. download sqlite3 3. sqlite3.exe accounts.db 4. change accounts table’s row that contains old email 5. copy accounts.db back into /data/system/accounts