Default music player – keyboard shortcut key
To make the keyboard’s music button launch winamp instead of windows media player, associate .cda file extension with winamp. (not wav or mp3 extension)
To make the keyboard’s music button launch winamp instead of windows media player, associate .cda file extension with winamp. (not wav or mp3 extension)
If you get “you require permission from to make changes to this file” when you copy a file from computer a to b, that file may be encrypted (if you look at it with windows explorer, it’ll show in green) cipher * /a /d /s:. * Command above to decrypt all files within current subdirectory
If you get: *** CLI error: MTDP: EM_NOHOST(224): name not in HOSTS file or names database. *** Return code from CLI is: 224 *** Error: Logon failed! You have to add to your hostname file (or dns somewhere) vivaldicop1 when the name of the server is vivaldi
when deploy android app to simulator in eclipse, might be buggy and it might complain saying: resource.ap_ does not exist The immediate workaround is to disable the verbose build output in eclipse>preferences>android>build.
Make sure you are using RGB color for your document and objects. Otherwise, your document is fine, it’s just the way the adobe products are showing it to you. Check your proofs (view -> Proof setup) to see if you’re using CMYK or RGB.
To support all screensizes, add the following to AndroidManifest.xml: <supports-screens android:largeScreens=”true” android:normalScreens=”true” android:smallScreens=”true” android:anyDensity=”true” />
If you get black screen when you run your iphone code, check if you do this: @synthesize window = _window; and then this: [window makeKeyandVisible]; This, will not work. The @synthesize line is “new” in xcode 4, per objective c. it makes accessing windows directly FAIL and return nil. Thus, makeKeyAndVisible was never called on […]
default orientation for iphone apps is supposed set in the plist file’s “initial interface orientation” key. However, this may still not work. Check ordering of your “Supported interface orientations” key (I had for whatever reason set landscape as first orientation, and thus got landscape for my iPhone app)
1. iphone icon, ipad icon size 2. plist file’s icon file is blank (seems like can’t have file called icon.png otherwise both iPad and iPhone will use that) 3. Does not see archive in organizer after building archive: For the “Release” configuration do the following: Set “Skip Install” to YES on your project Set “Skip […]
control + command + c when focus is on simulator. Now screenshot is on clipboard. control + v onto gimp or something to paste it.